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Directory per tag: venture capital

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StartUp Blog by Young Entrepreneurs

What will you find on the StartUp Blog? - case studies and interviews to successful startups (how they started, their roadmap and how they use social media and non conventional marketing strategies to promote their project). We will try to focus especially on this last topic because most of the times is the only way that they have! - events and conferences, where we participated and that we think are useful for every startup, even talking about our experiences (what we learned, who we met and so on..); - book reviews, especially books that can be useful for a startup; - surveys, with the hope that will stimulate conversations about different topics and increase the participation on our blog; - tips & tools, where we will talk about some tools that we use in our everyday job, or we make some reflection based on our experiences.LEGGI IL BLOG


Il Blog www.startupper.biz è uno spazio indipendente e non profit, che intende sostenere la figura dello startupper e, nell‘ottica di un puro spirito ’social’ della rete, è aperto all’interazione tra quanti siano interessati a questa attività emergente.LEGGI IL BLOG


Il blog professionale sulle nuove Startup e sui Venture CapitalLEGGI IL BLOG

Futuro alle idee del futuro

Istruzioni utili per cambiare il mondo (un'idea alla volta). Si parla di innovazione, creatività, impresa, business, nuove idee, franchising, capital, businessLEGGI IL BLOG

Luigi Orsi Carbone

Il mio blog tratta di imprenditorialita', innovazione, venture capital, consulenza nei settori TMT ed energia, nonche' argormenti di interesse di carattere generale, politica ed economia in EuropaLEGGI IL BLOG

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